Just double-click the Apple icon and the images will be shown . When the first image appears the second time around , use Command-Q to quit.
These folders are manipulated photographic images in a Kai Krausse manner. They are JPEGed for highest quality. You'll need Photoshop 2.5.1 for openers. The files are too large for my 14" screen but just scroll down to the individual file for separate viewing. You're imagination is your only restraint in the area of usage.
Consider these art works as shareware excepting commercial usage. Eventual commercial users will be charges a fee. Please contact me beforehand.
You can send this folder with E-mail or put them on a shareware disk, as long as this READ ME file and the images are unmodified.
Shareware users can always send some cash which keeps the smile on my lips -
not more than $10 or the equivalent - and your conscience free from guilt.